Mana Island, an Exercise in Exactitudes  

In early 2024, SGB successfully tendered the contract to renovate and refurbish three houses on Mana Island. Two would be used by DOC and one by the local Iwi. The houses were in various stages of dilapidation, largely because Mana Island is a difficult site to access, and maintenance posed a significant logistical challenge.  
All houses were to be fully re-roofed, and then a varied package with everything from replacing linings, to refitting bathrooms to constructing new external walls and installing cladding. Three carpenters lived full–time onsite for six weeks, along with many subtrades – painters, roofers, electricians and plumbers.  
The challenge presented by Mana Island was the remote nature of the work, and the difficulty of getting materials and labor onsite, as well as rubbish back to the mainland. This was further compounded by the strict biosecurity measures present on the island. All equipment had to be cleaned and checked for rodents and Argentine ants before it was Heli-lifted to the island, on 80+ carefully scheduled helicopter flights and 13 chartered boat trips.  
SGB is extremely proud of how this job unfolded, not necessarily for Instagram worthy carpentry photos, but for how we worked together as a tight knit crew along with trusted subtrades to create three Healthy Homes compliant dwellings in a uniquely challenging location. The potential for budgets and timeframes being blown out when dealing with multiple moving parts such as helicopters, winds, tides, rural accommodation requirements and biosecurity was huge. Nevertheless, the project was delivered to the client’s complete satisfaction, and now sits at the top of SGB’s resume when it comes to project management and logistics.  
Sam was particularly chuffed with his helicopter scheduling, the total flight time ultimately coming in at 1 minute off his estimated number of hours.  
All the carpenters on the island rose to the challenge of remote living on the island, but Damian McLeod especially exemplified himself in his first role as a fully-fledged foreman. 


Remedial Construction while Retaining Character


Delivering on a timeframe